Tips and methods for connecting social media links to your Google SERP business listing profile


Tips for adding social media links to your Google SERP business listing profile

To getting connected your audience and viewers with social media profile links through Google business search listing. Follow and implement below tips.

Copy and paste the following code into a plain text document:

<script type="application/ld+json">

{ "@context" : "",

  "@type" : "Organization",

  "name" : "Your Organization Name",

  "url" : "",

  "sameAs" : [ "",




1.           Add the name of your organization to the ”name” section of the script.

2.          Add your website to the “url” section of the script.

3.          Add your social media links to the ”same As” section of the script.

Copy and paste your edited script into the head or body of your webpages. If you use WordPress, you should place this script where you place analytics or retargeting scripts.
5. Troubleshoot your script with 
Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.
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Note: If any business owner is unable to do this. We are happy to help you to do that always contact us today!

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